Our Best Sellers
Pain Spray Mist
Sale priceFrom $17.50
Crème De La Femme
Sale priceFrom $27.95
Headache ReLeaf Roll-On
Sale priceFrom $14.95

Amazing Solutions just turned 32!
Imagine that.
We’ve spent over three decades formulating safe and effective herbal
health formulas. In creating each of them, our goal has always been the same – to offer
you an affordable & powerful solution to one of life’s everyday health problems.
So, look around. Choose one of our amazing solutions. Better yet, try a few – for pain
relief, women’s intimate health, indoor dust and pet allergies, headaches & migraine,
insomnia, stress, even the exhaustion of modern life. We’re confident that you’ll be impressed.
And we’ll be proud to call you a valued, satisfied customer.